How To Design The Perfect Business Card

Your business card is one of the most important marketing tools you can use, so it needs to look good.

It can literally mean the difference between winning that new client or struggling for business, so you’ve got to make sure it wows potential clients.

In our handy guide, we’ll detail all of the essential text you need, highlight the importance of colour, help you understand why your business card should reflect the sector you work in and much, much more!

Right, here we go…

Start With the Right Logo

When placing your logo on your business card, it’s important to ensure it’s not pixilated.

Design several versions of your logo within Photoshop so you know you’ve got a lot to choose from – then you know you can use it for all kinds of marketing materials, like stationery, letterheads, and promotional products like pens, uniform shirts, and advertisements.

Include Essential Information Only

It’s a small card so include only the essentials. In order of importance:

  • Your name
  • Your title
  • Contact information
  • Website
  • Company logo
  • Company slogan
  • Social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Use a Basic Font

Simple, businesslike fonts work best. A favorite of business card designers are the sans serif fonts. Resist the urge to get overly creative with your font choice. It’s all about readability and a professional appearance.

Go Big on Space

Check out some of the business cards you’ve been given already and you’ll see a lot of blank space. This space allows other design elements to stand out to the reader.

The more you pack onto your business card, the more likely the reader is not to see it.

Information overload isn’t a good thing – the chances are, anyone you give it to, won’t read it.

How To Design The Perfect Business Card
great design, lots of space

Pick the Right Colors

Don’t pick any more than three colours when creating your business card – or any element of business branding for that matter.

There’s nothing worse than looking at a business card which has far too much going on. It will deter away from crucial information and take a hit of professionalism away from the look and feel of the business (and/or service you are offering).

How To Design The Perfect Business Card
Example – the perfect business card

Think About Your Business

How To Design The Perfect Business Card
less is more

All of these elements work for a business where decorum and the utmost professionalism are requirements.

Financial services, doctors, lawyers, and other “coat and tie” wearing professions call for a subdued card but that’s not the case for everybody.

If you’re in the creative business, a card that shows off your design skills not only advertises your business but also serves as a small portfolio of your work. Remember the first rule of creativity: Less is always more. Be careful not to overdesign.

Include Something on the Back

How To Design The Perfect Business Card
A great front and back design

So, you’ve included all of the relevant details on one side of your card… so now you need to look at the opposite side.

Including a design on the other side of your card gives you the opportunity to create a funky design, a larger logo, or something totally unexpected.

Here’s a couple of examples to get your brain ticking:

How To Design The Perfect Business Card

How To Design The Perfect Business Card

How To Design The Perfect Business Card

Where to Get Help

If you don’t have graphic design skills, you’ll be happy to know there are a variety of ways to design a perfect card without the high price of a graphic designer.

You could hire a freelance graphic designer or employ someone full time, source information from your local college or university regarding student placements, or simply give it a bash yourself.

Check out Mashable Uk’s handy guide right here   


Your business card is one of those parts of your business where you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. A classic design with simple design elements is all you need to achieve a professional appearance.