5 Tips For A Sucessful Christmas Marketing Campaign

Halloween is over and done with for another year and it is officially time to start getting into the holiday spirit. Christmas is the busiest time of the year for many businesses, so a successful festive marketing plan is a must. It is the time of year when people are on the look out for new products and services, and are particularly open to well thought out marketing campaigns. Here are five tips to make sure yours goes according to plan:

1. Reward your most loyal customers

Christmas is a great time to show your best customers how much you appreciate them. Reward them with a money off coupon, a big seasonal sale or even a free gift – a little reminder to them to continue using your services. Not only will this usually encourage repeat business, but they will more than likely tell their friends and colleagues too.

2. Free delivery

A very simple concept but an extremely effective one. Offering free delivery over Christmas is very appealing to customers and will often mean the difference between a customer buying your product or choosing one from the competition. If you do offer free delivery, promote it heavily via social media, on your website and across all other platforms.

3. Offer thanks

Customers love to be thanked and just as with the Christmas gift idea, an email thanking them for their custom over the previous year can go a long way towards enticing them back for more over the coming months. Who doesn’t like to feel they are important? You could combine the email with a New Years offer or money off vouchers.

4. Festive features

It is a good idea to show your company has got with the holiday spirit. Decorate your website and marketing materials to that effect. Staying in sync with the season not only entices customers to your online store looking for sales, but also makes your business seem warm and welcoming.

5. Giveaways must not be throwaways

Often a complete waste of money, giveaways can be really hit and miss. However, a winning campaign on social media, such as a share or retweet prize draw can be brilliant for business if done properly. These only really work if the prize is something worth winning. Mass awareness and huge social media presence can be won when the prize on offer is a fantastic one. The resulting buzz is an extremely effective form advertising, not to mention very cost effective. Giveaways work well during holiday periods, so make it a big one for maximum effect.

Start early planning your festive marketing campaign and success can be yours. Step one is to thoroughly research your audience and go from there. Good luck!